Initiat in anul 2008, ARTIZANESCU.RO este un magazin online de traditii romanesti, aflat in proprietatea SC ARTIZANESCU EDIT SRL, de unde iubitorii
culturii populare de la noi pot cumpara obiecte lucrate manual, facute cu migala
si pricepere de catre mesteri de pe tot cuprinsul tarii.
Prin demersul nostru incercam sa aducem in casele oamenilor
de aici, dar mai ales celor plecati peste mari si tari, la munca sau stabiliti
in strainatate, un colt, cat de mic, din Patria lor, in speranta ca dorul de
glia strabuna le va fi alinat.
In sectiunea TRADITII ROMANESTI ne straduim sa adunam cat
mai multe informatii si date legate de obiceiurile din aceasta parte a lumii,
povesti si reportaje despre oameni buni si locuri minunate. Incercam sa tinem
pasul cu stirile de actualitate si calendarul manifestarilor de gen.
Fie ca e vorba de icoane pictate pe sticla, de oua
incondeiate, de cani din lemn, vase din ceramica sau stergare lucrate manual,
obiectele poarta in ele o farama din spiritul creatorilor lor.
Va asteptam sa pasiti in magazinul nostru online, deschis
non-stop, sa comandati ceva, ce va place, un cadou pentru cei dragi, o portie de
suflet romanesc!
Va rugam sa ne scrieti, sa aflam vesti de la voi si sa va
spunem ce mai e pe aici, sa impartasim impreuna mandria de a fi roman, sa ne
bucuram impreuna de minunile folclorului, sa simtiti pentru cateva minute ca
sunteti ACASA!
Dana & Razvan Mateescu
Casa taraneasca - imagine din Muzeul Satului Bucuresti
initiatorii proiectului
Telefoane: 021 267 88 64 sau 0722 432 794
is an online store offering Romanian traditional, handcrafted popular art. Here
in our store, popular culture lovers can find handmade items, painstakingly and
skillfully produced by craftsmen from across the country.
In our
approach we try to bring in the homes of people not only from here in Romania,
but of those as well who either went overseas for work or are established there,
a corner, however small, of their homeland hoping to comfort the longing for their
ancestral land.
TRADITION page we strive to gather as much information and data about the
habits of this part of the world, including the lore and stories about good
people and wonderful places. We also try to keep up with current news and
events related to this area.
icons painted on glass, painted eggs, wooden cups and mugs, ceramic pots, or sewn
or woven handcrafts - each of these pieces of popular art carries in it a spark
of their creator spirit.
We invite you
to please step into our always-open online store, to browse at leisure and find
something that you love; a gift to loved ones, a serving of Romanian soul!
Please write
to us, we love to hear from you and in turn we will share with you news from
around here, so that together we can enjoy the wonders of Romanian folklore, and
hopefully for you to feel for a few minutes that you are at home!
Dana and
Razvan Mateescu, Founders
is the property of ARTIZANESCU EDIT LLC